James Rivers
11/07/2023  —  Robots


Meet suburbia's most impractical security solution.

Sentry Bot with warning sign in background

Robot Specs

I've linked to the products I used for this project where I could. The Amazon links are affiliate links where I can earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Project Playlist

Onboard Hardware

Chassis: MotoTec 24v Kids ATV

Autopilot: Holybro Pixhawk 4 (discontinued)

Steering Controller: Pololu Jrk G2 21v3

Computer: Raspberry Pi 4 4GB

Camera: Luxonis OAK-D Lite

Turret Framing: Aluminum Extrusions

Turret Servos: Hitec HS-645MG


Autopilot: ArduPilot / ArduRover

(more tbd)